Access Bars

Access Bars Session $250 USD | Package of 4 Sessions $900 USD

GOT JOY?    Or are you…..



This is my invitation to you to have your Bars Run….

Affecting all areas in our lives, every thought, feeling & emotion we have generates judgments and limitation and creates duality, keeping us in patterns of separation…cutting off our receiving.  Over time these processes typically manifest as stress, anxiety, fear, PTSD, illness, pain, depression, insomnia, addiction, etc.  When we have our “Bars” run, the energetic charge dissipates. There are 32 Bars of energy that run through and around your head that refer to all areas of your life, i.e., relationships, money, hopes & dreams, creativity, sex, gratitude, peace, calm and aging, just to name a few.  Working with these 32 points on the head, using a very light touch, “Running Bars’ dissipates the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions & considerations,  stored within these points, and immediately facilitates changes within the mind, body & spirit by releasing old files; similar to deleting old files stored on the hard drive of a computer.  As the old files are deleted, you free up space to allow the greater possibilities, greater consciousness and greater awareness, all the while leaving you with a sense of being present, calm, peaceful & having way more ease.  After a “Bars” session, in the very least you will feel as though you just experienced a great massage, and the best case scenario is your entire life can change.

Are you ready to facilitate changes and allow for greater possibilities, consciousness and awareness beyond your imagination?

What would it be like if you allowed everyone, including yourself, to be who they are with no judgment? Can you imagine the possibilities?

How does it get any better than this?  And truly what else is possible?

Interested in taking an Access Bars Class? These classes are available to EVERYONE!

Please ‘Contact Lorraine’ for further information.

Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin, Ph. D. speaks about Access Bars and Brain

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