Symphony of Possibilities ~ Advanced Energetic Bodywork

Symphony of Possibilities (SOP) Sessions Available “Virtually” via Zoom & In-Person!!! SOP seems to allow people to have a greater connection with their bodies, their lives & the earth ~ opening spaces of possibilities where everything in your body and your life can literally change with ease. These sessions are about energetic empowerment and change and they can invite you to open up to Living in a completely different way.  The Symphony Sessions are based on Access Consciousness® tools and the energetic transformation work created by Dr. Dain Heer, co-creator of Access Consciousness®.

Lorraine offers Symphony of Possibilities Sessions virtually via ZOOM, Phone & In-Person; Your Choice.

Each session is personally tailored to your requirements ~ facilitating change to allow your body and being the freedom to change everything that is not working for you and to let go of everything that is limiting you and is locked up and solidified in your body and in your life!

1:1 Facilitation 30 Minute Session $250 USD

1:1 Facilitation 60 Minute Session $500 USD


Contact Lorraine

What if your body’s consciousness was gifting you information and could be your partner in this journey, would you be willing to listen to it? What if the consciousness you are seeking were only possible by including your body in the process?  Are you ready for the Joy of Embodiment?